CANtouch Bootcamp EN

CANtouch Bootcamp
This course will get you to know CANtouch on a new levÂel. You will be able to meaÂsure more effecÂtiveÂly and search for errors more strucÂtured way.
You can reset the learnÂing progress and start over.
We recÂomÂmend that you directÂly reproÂduce the processÂes shown yourÂself for maxÂiÂmum learnÂing effect.
For this, it is good; you have a CANtouch and a CAN bus to meaÂsure. You could install the CAN-Bus Tester 2 softÂware on your PC.
The course contains
- 12 lessons
- 33 topÂics
- 0 videos (videos are creÂatÂed at the moment)
- 131 graphÂics
You will receive a cerÂtifiÂcate in your name upon completion.